Descargamos y descomprimimos el zip que encontramos en su página, abrimos una ventana de comandos dentro de la carpeta y lo instalamos con:
>python installUna vez terminado el proceso checamos que se instalo correctamente:
>python Python 3.4.3 (v3.4.3:9b73f1c3e601, Feb 24 2015, 22:44:40) [MSC v.1600 64 bit (AMD64)] on win32 Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information. >>>import usb >>>Al no marcar error sabemos que tenemos instalado PyUSB. Para obtener ayuda sobre el modulo:
>>>import usb >>>help(usb) Help on package usb: NAME usb - PyUSB - Easy USB access in Python DESCRIPTION This package exports the following modules and subpackages: core - the main USB implementation legacy - the compatibility layer with 0.x version backend - the support for backend implementations. control - USB standard control requests. libloader - helper module for backend library loading. Since version 1.0, main PyUSB implementation lives in the 'usb.core' module. New applications are encouraged to use it. PACKAGE CONTENTS _debug _interop _lookup _objfinalizer backend (package) control core legacy libloader util DATA __all__ = ['legacy', 'control', 'core', 'backend', 'util', 'libloader'... VERSION 1.0.0rc1 AUTHOR Wander Lairson Costa FILE c:\python34\lib\site-packages\usb\
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